October 18, 2021 Brace, Brace, Brace British Skydiving Instructor Liam Goddard has joined a rare group – the…
February 17, 2020 Think like a Fighter Pilot How to use fighter pilot thinking and apply decision cycles to your…
December 16, 2019 It’s Christmas: Give Your Rig a Treat… For most of us this is a quieter time, jumpwise, so take…
August 3, 2019 Plane Speaking Since the last Mag, there have tragically been two skydiving plane crashes…
June 9, 2019 Are you Safe for Summer? It’s always far better to learn from the mistakes of others than…
April 12, 2019 What’s Up Top? When we interviewed the retiring Chair of the BPA Riggers’ Subcommittee, Paul…